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Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services' (DCFS) maintains a State Repository of all valid reports of abuse/neglect, and a State Central Registry (SCR) of individuals who are identified as a perpetrator in certain valid investigations. Placement on the SCR is determined by the severity of the abuse/neglect. Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 67, Part 5, Sections 1103 and 1105 governs the release of information from both the Repository and SCR.

Through this system, certain entities/agencies can submit a request for a child abuse/neglect clearance in accordance with the Louisiana Administrative Code. Each applicant will require a separate application. The following entities/agencies may utilize this system (entities highlighted are required to pay a non-refundable $25.00 fee for each clearance requested):

  • Licensed Out of State Child Care Facilities;
  • Louisiana DCFS Licensed Facilities (effective 10/01/2018);
  • Out of State Licensed Residential Facilities that house foster children or meet the federal definition of a Child Care Institution (Effective 9/1/2019);
  • Louisiana Department of Health Licensed Therapeutic Group Homes (Effective 9/1/2019);
  • In State Licensed Office of Juvenile Justice Detention Center employees (Effective July 1, 2024);
  • Out of State Child Protective Agencies only for investigation purposes (not home studies); and
  • Out of State Agencies conducting home studies for foster children or as part of an open child welfare case.

This list is not inclusive of all clearances that DCFS is authorized to conduct. Refer to our website for additional clearances that DCFS is authorized to conduct, and the ways to request these additional child abuse/neglect clearances.

Steps to Request a Clearance:
  1. An entity/agency creates a user id and requests a password by providing required information; Click here to view a list of required documents to be submitted with your request to become an approved entity.
  2. Once you are approved as an entity you will receive an email requesting that you change your email password in CANS. After changing your password, you are to click on the “New Registration” tab, located at the top of the home screen, and follow the prompts.
  3. For Out of State Child Protective Agencies only for investigation purposes (not home studies) and Out of State Agencies conducting home studies for foster children or as part of an open child welfare case, the Request and Consent Form A along with required documentation, is uploaded within the system to submit a formal request. The Request and Consent Form A is required to submit a formal request, and the instructions provide assistance with completing the Request and Consent Form A.

    For Licensed Out of State Child Care Facilities, Louisiana DCFS Licensed Facilities, Out of State Licensed Residential Facilities that house foster children or meet the federal definition of a Child Care Institution, Louisiana Department of Health Licensed Therapeutic Group Homes and In State Licensed Office of Juvenile Detention Center Employee, the Request and Consent Form B along with required documentation, is uploaded within the system to submit a formal request. The Request and Consent Form B is required to submit a formal request, and the instructions provide assistance with completing the Request and Consent Form B.
  4. Submit the non-refundable fee of $25.00, per request, for all except Out of State Child Protective Agencies only for investigation purposes (not home studies) and Out of State Agencies conducting home studies for foster children or as part of an open child welfare case.
  5. The entity/agency will receive an email that provides directions for obtaining the clearance results from the CANS system.

Louisiana strives to complete all clearances within 10 business days. However, the appeals process of investigative findings will likely delay responses from DCFS.

Questions may be directed to [email protected]

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